Other Treatments
Traditional Chinese Medicine is not just limited to acupuncture and herbal medicine. In fact, there are other treatment techniques that may help your conditions. These treatments, if used in conjunction with acupuncture, do not attract an extra cost and are considered part of your treatment..
- Electro-acupuncture
- Remedial Massage (only incorporating with acupuncture treatment)
- Cupping therapy
- Scraping (Gua Sha / 刮痧) therapy
- Moxibustion
Electro-acupuncture is a form of acupuncture where small electrodes from a device are attached to acupuncture needles. These electrodes provide continuous electric pulses to the acupuncture points, the patient may experience slight pulsating or tingling sensation. Electro-acupuncture ensures that the patient receives continued and often stronger stimulation.
Electro-acupuncture has been used to promote the flow of qi and blood, relieve pain, and remove stasis and blockages.
Remedial Massage:
(Note: remedial massage is not offered as a standalone service at this clinic; it is only available when incorporated into an acupuncture treatment.)
The focus of remedial massage is to identify areas of dysfunction, release muscle tension, break up scar tissue and restore balance via the manipulation of soft tissue.
We use remedial massage in conjunction with acupuncture to help relieve pain, rehabilitate injuries, reduce stress, and to support and speed up the body's own repair mechanisms.
Cupping therapy:
Cupping therapy is the method of using glass or plastic cups to create localized negative pressure by a vacuum. Cupping is applied to certain acupuncture points or to the parts of body that have been affected by pain. Cupping removes stagnation from the meridians so that qi can flow freely. Cupping helps relieve muscle tension and stiffness and promote relaxation. Cupping is also known to promote blood circulation and promote body’s natural self-healing process.
Scraping therapy (Gua Sha)
Scraping therapy (Gua Sha) involves repeating pressure stroke of a tool along the meridians (energy channels) usually on the back, where there are many acupuncture points that can be stimulated.
Moxibustion involves the burning of mugwort to warm regions and acupuncture points. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine theory, moxa has a tonifying and warming effect that promotes movement and activity. It warms the meridians, strengthens Qi and helps stimulate the flow of Qi and blood. Chinese medicine considers Moxibustion to be especially useful in the treatment of cold, stagnant and deficient conditions.